Singaraja – Season 2 Scientific Meeting, Medical Department, FK Undiksha, is an academic seminar activity that is carried out regularly every semester by HMJ Medicine, FK Undiksha. The themes carried out are different. This activity took place on Saturday, January 28, 2023, and was carried out online via Zoom meeting which was attended by the entire medical department academic community.
This time, the scientific meeting invited 3 speakers who would provide different themes of course. The speakers for the Season 2 scientific meeting include:
1. Dr. Ni Luh Kadek Alit Arsani, S. Ked., M. Biomed with material “Adolescent Reproductive Health and its Problems”
2. Ananda T Cheza Romeo with the material “Sun Burn”
3. Dheana Radhakrishna with the material “Patomechanism of Dengue Fever and Its Correlation to Pabelasan”
The enthusiasm of the participants was very high as shown by the large number of community members who attended and asked questions during the discussion session. In the future, it is hoped that this scientific and academic enthusiasm can continue to be maintained in order to create a generation of FK Undiksha who are Smart, Innovative, and Professional. (TFK)