Singaraja –Apart from the academic field, in the current era of globalization, students as agents of change are required to be able to harmonize cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills in the learning process for the future. The selection of young people with good character is an event for developing character and increasing the implementation of the knowledge of the younger generation in solving problems in the surrounding environment. This activity was held at the Ganesha University of Education on 26-28 October 2022. This activity for selecting young people with good character was attended by hundreds of high school/vocational school level participants as well as students from various majors and study programs in Indonesia. The selection stage for this activity starts from the preliminary process with the collection of administrative files, achievements, and personality tests. After that, 10 participants were selected in each student category and students with the highest scores went to the final round. In this final round, there are several selection systems, namely interest and talent tests, personality interviews, workshops, social service to orphanages, and at the peak of the event, there is a Grand Final which tests the finalists’ insights on the topics of Character Education, Character Education, Independent Learning, Independent Campus, and Poleksosbudhankam.
After going through all the stages with a long struggle and support from various parties. Representatives from the Faculty of Medicine, Undiksha, on behalf of Kadek Edy Sukarma, succeeded in winning 2nd place in the 2022 National Level XVIII Ethics Youth Selection. The awards received were in the form of a permanent trophy from the Chancellor of the Ganesha University of Education, coaching money, an award certificate, as well as receiving a Chancellor’s Decree for the opportunity to study. Study Masters at Undiksha without tests. All of these results cannot be separated from the guidance of the supervisor, namely Dr. Made Kurnia Widiastuti Giri, S.Ked., M.Kes.
Kadek Edy Sukarma’s hope from the Selection of Characterful Youth activities is that this activity can continue to be implemented in developing personal potential and improving the character education of students so that they can become millennial young people who are useful in finding solutions and innovations as problem-solving problems that exist in the surrounding environment. for the better progress of the nation and state in the future. (TFK)