Wednesday 30 January 2019, at the Undiksha Jinengdalem Singaraja Campus, the Faculty of Medicine again held a Public Lecture with the theme “Tourism Medical Insights in Medical Education”. The event was chaired by Dr. Adnyana Putra, S.Ked., M.Kes was opened by the Deputy Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, M.Si, in his speech explained that he “hopes that the information received can also be used as a reference in preparing a curriculum which will ultimately produce graduates who are competitive and have high quality.” “Of course you will get deeper insight from this. “Hopefully understanding can increase,”
Presenting speakers from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Prof. Ir. Dr. –Ing. Eko Supriyatno MIEEE, a man born in Ngelowetan Village, Mijen District, Demak Regency, Central Java, has extraordinary achievements in the academic world. The title of Professor can be achieved at a relatively young age, namely 33 years and his Doctorate is in Hamburg, Germany. He has won 35 international awards, and hundreds of international publications and has been trusted to hold several strategic positions in several countries.
This Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Health Care Management delivered a public lecture with the theme “Insights in Medical Tourism in Medical Education”. His presence was very positively welcomed. Because of his busy life, he can take the time to share information that can broaden HR’s insight, especially FK.