Singaraja –October 10th each year is designated as World Mental Health Day or World Mental Health Day (HKJS), which is commemorated by the global community on that date. The HKJS warning was carried out to increase global awareness of the importance of mental health. Initially, HKJS was created as a step to change the poor treatment of mental health. Initiated by the World Mental Health Federation (WFMH) on October 10, 1992. The symbol used to commemorate HKJS is a dark emerald green ribbon. Its history begins with the tradition of using green twigs or stems of plants to symbolize mental health problems, including sadness or melancholy. But despite its history, the green ribbon symbol is used for mental awareness in modern times as a positive thing.
The global community who are aware of mental health is taking advantage of this moment to provide support to those suffering from mental health disorders, including Class I students in the Nursing Study Program, Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Medicine, Ganesha Education University. The concrete steps they are taking are campaigning for the importance of mental health, especially after we experience uncertain conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Make Mental Health and Well-Being for All a Global Priority” or Making Mental Health and Well-Being for All a Global Priority is the global theme launched by the Health Organization (WHO) at this year’s HKJS commemoration. FK Undiksha Nursing Study Program students hope that Indonesia can recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and we can become a mentally healthy generation. This campaign is supported by the Nursing Study Program Coordinator, FK Undiksha Undergraduate Program, namely Ns. Made Bayu Oka Widiarta, S.Kep., M.Kep. “This moment is very important to increase our awareness to recover and enthusiasm to plan the future after we were all hit by uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “They (Class I students in the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program) are very enthusiastic individuals and I am sure they will become useful nurses for Indonesia’s health,” said Ms. Bayu.
The FK Undiksha Academic Community or the entire Indonesian community can carry out a similar campaign, without having to wait for the HKJS commemoration date the following year. Because mental health is needed by anyone, anytime and anywhere. To be able to access the campaign that has been carried out, you can view it on the Instagram platform of the FK Undiksha Nursing Study Program, @ners.undiksha, or via the URL
Mentally Healthy Greetings, Recover with a Mentally Healthy Generation! (TFK)