Singaraja –
The era of development of Industry 4.0 has had a significant impact and competition on all lines of life in Indonesia, including the world of education. Undiksha’s D3 Midwifery Study Program under the leadership of Coordinating Study Program Mrs. Luh Nik Armini S.ST., M.Keb is determined to be able to produce D3 Midwifery graduates who are able to be competitive in the world of work both nationally and internationally while still being equipped with special excellence in one of the fields of midwifery care. Responding to all these challenges, Undiksha’s D3 Midwifery Study Program on August 13 and August 16 2021 developed and perfected the study program curriculum, which is a means and vehicle for achieving these goals. Opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad Djojosugito, dr. Sp.OT (K), MHA, MBA Undiksha D3 Midwifery curriculum workshop, this activity was also attended by Deputy Dean I FK Undiksha, Dr. I Putu Suriyasa, M.S., PKK., Sp.OK and Deputy Dean III FK Dr. dr. Made Budiawan S.Ked., M.Kes., AIFO. Present on this occasion was the Chair of AIPKIND Bali, represented by Mrs. Putu Dian Prima Dewi M.Kes, and as the main speaker, Dr. Liliana Sugiarto, MS.PA (K), who is a resource person who is competent in her field, is proven by being currently active as an assessor for BAN-PT and LAM PTKes. Apart from that, Dr. Liliana, as she is nicknamed, is an evaluator at the Ministry of Education and Culture in submitting new study programs.
In his 2 day presentation, Dr. Liliana provided a lot of advice and guidance regarding improving the curriculum which had been designed by the Lecturers of the Undiksha D3 Midwifery Study Program. The activity on August 13 2021 was started by Dr. Liliana by providing material related to basic principles and guidelines in developing the D3 midwifery study program curriculum, where all D3 Midwifery study programs are expected to have superior skills that differentiate them compared to graduates of other educational institutions. It is hoped that these skills will have a common thread that synergizes the achievement of Undiksha’s vision and mission with the Faculty of Medicine and Undiksha’s D3 Midwifery Study Program. This session 1 activity ended with a discussion session with stakeholders, midwifery clinic practitioners, and Midwifery Lecturers. Dr. Liliana appreciated the appointment of Tri Hita Karana and local wisdom in Bali as one of the ideas that would be used as an advantage for Undiksha D3 midwifery graduates.
The second day of the workshop continued on August 16 2021 with the agenda of discussing the RPS and discussing the curriculum design. Still, in the atmosphere of Indonesian Independence Day, all the D3 Midwifery Study Program lecturers remained enthusiastic about participating in workshop activities. In the discussion activities, the RPS of superior courses and study program courses were discussed. The RPS that has been prepared meets the rules and is well structured, but there are still several improvements to perfect the RPS.