Singaraja –FK Undiksha’s midwifery study program has once again made a proud achievement. This time it was Nita Febriyani’s turn, a second-semester student of the D3 Midwifery Study Program who successfully passed and was funded at the Undiksha level in the Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW).
Based on the results of the static and dynamic selection carried out at the university level, there were 220 proposals submitted, but only 45 proposals passed and were funded by Undiksha, one of which was a proposal from the Midwifery Study Program.
Taking the type of business “Mille Crapes LABARA (Layers of Many Flavors) as a Contemporary Food Innovation” and direct direction from the supervisor, namely Mrs. Anjar Tri Astuti S.ST., M.Keb, made the Midwifery Study Program able to show its existence. This illustrates that Midwifery study program students in particular and FK Undiksha in general have abilities not only in the fields of science and humanities but of course in the field of entrepreneurship. Hopefully, this will continue to inspire other FK Undiksha students to continue to hone their abilities in all fields…Congratulations.
FK Undiksha SIP… SIP… SIP… Smart Innovative Professionalism(TFK)