The competition for the 26th Undiksha Anniversary Week does not only include categories for students but, in this case, there is also a category for Undiksha lecturers/staff. Some have their teams between divisions and colleagues, and if complete, lecturers/staff will represent their respective faculties.
Friday 11 January 2019 at the Undiksha central campus tennis court, FK returned with something very surprising and truly unexpected. The faculty, which has only been established “as old as corn,” once again “showed off” at the competition for the 26th Undiksha Anniversary week. But now it’s a different category. FK again achieved results that were classified as very satisfying on the championship ladder in the competition-tennis pair.
Often called“Then Oka”.Mr. employee who has just joined FK with his full nameNyoman Oka Dharma S.Pd, M.Pd serving as the FK librarian will be no less competitive with the students who are taking part in competitions during the week of the 26th Undksha Anniversary. At an age that is almost in the vulnerable category for sports, he was able to win 3rd place in the pair competition category.
When competing for 3rd place he was paired with MrAdhyaksa Mahasena, SH., MH. He is from the BPOM division against Ida Bagus Emharta, S.Sos paired with Dr. Made Agus Dharmadi, S.Pd., M.Pd.The enthusiasm and sportsmanship of this FK librarian need to be emulated. His hard work produced very satisfying results.
In the future, FK will return with a complete and solid team