Singaraja – October 26, 2024. Successfully passing the UKMPPD is a key requirement for completing professional education in the Doctor Profession Education (PPD) program. To support this goal, the Faculty of Medicine at Ganesha University of Education (FK Undiksha) facilitated student participation in a Progress Test organized by AIPKI.
The Progress test took place in the CBT Center on the 3rd floor of the FK Undiksha Building. A total of 80 students participated, comprising 49 students from the PPD program and 31 from the Undergraduate Medical Study Program. The test was conducted in two sessions (session 1: 08.00 – 11.20 WITA and session 2: 13.00 – 16.20 WITA). The results are scheduled to be announced on November 11, 2024.
This activity aimed to familiarize students with the UKMPPD format and provide them with valuable insights to achieve optimal results during the official examination.