Singaraja – The GRAHA committee or Growing Relationship for Advancing Humanitarian Aid has carried out FK Undiksha Youth Socialization activities which were held offline at SMAN 1 Seririt (12/12/2023). The FK Undiksha socialization was carried out in a room containing class XII MIPA 1, MIPA 2, and MIPA 3 students. The target of this socialization was class This activity attracted the attention of the students of SMAN 1 Seririt because many students were enthusiastic and critical during the question and answer session and asked questions about FK Undiksha. This proves that many class XII students are interested and want to enroll in state universities, especially FK Undiksha. Many students ask questions about study programs at the Faculty of Medicine as well as tips and tricks for being accepted into FK, whether from the SNBP, SNBT, or Independent route. The enthusiasm that emerged from the students of SMAN 1 Seririt certainly proves that it opens up more opportunities so that they can register themselves at the Faculty of Medicine, Undiksha.
Apart from socialization activities, at Youth Socialization there are also health service activities targeting teachers, staff, and employees of SMAN 1 Seririt. The health services provided consisted of checking blood pressure, uric acid, and blood sugar. Not only teachers and staff, but many students were enthusiastic and took part in carrying out health checks during this activity. Apart from that, many students were curious and asked to be taught how to use this medical equipment and of course, FK Undiksha students implemented their knowledge gained in lectures by teaching it to the students. With the implementation of this activity, the school gave a positive response and hopes that socialization activities and health services will continue to be carried out in the coming year.
The Youth Socialization activity is one of a series of GRAHA community service activities with the theme “Grha Vajra Seva” which means a place of devotion that shines like a diamond. This activity was carried out to overcome nutritional problems in Tigawasa Village. There are a series of activities that have been carried out, including Youth Serving, Youth Teaching, Follow-Up 1, Follow-Up 2, Follow-Up 3, and of course Youth Socialization.
Youth service is a community service activity that will be held on October 28 2023 from 08.30 to 13.30 WITA at Bale Banjar, Tigawasa Village. Muda Berbdi consists of health service activities, checking blood sugar, acid, blood pressure, and pulse of the people of Tigawasa Village. The Youth Serving activity was attended by several guests, namely the Student Executive Board Supervisor and Chair of the IDI HUT Buleleng Branch, Dr. Komang Hendra Setiawan, S.ked. M. Kes. which also opened the GRAHA (Growing Relationship for Advancing Humanitarian Aid) event. The 2023 GRAHA activity was also attended by the Head of the Hamlet in Tigawasa Village, Village Cadres in Tigawasa, and the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) who helped in implementing health services. The Youth Service activity also certainly achieved its target, where at this activity approximately 100 people attended and came very enthusiastically to carry out health checks. Apart from that, Muda Serve collaborated with the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Buleleng Branch which also brought in specialist doctors who helped diagnose public health in Tigawasa Village.
The second activity is Teaching Youth which is held simultaneously with the Youth Serving activity, namely on October 28 2023 from 07.30 to 12.55 WITA at SDN 1 Tigawasa. Teaching Youth activities are carried out at elementary schools in Tigawasa Village with the target being elementary school students. In the Youth Teaching activity, there is a Sharing Session activity with elementary school teachers and the provision of several materials. Among them are “The Role of Students in the Urgency of Nutritional Problems in Elementary Schools”, “Graha 2023 Mechanism and Timeline”, counseling about stunting, and “Nutritional Problems”. Apart from that, health service activities will also be held consisting of checking Body Mass Index (BMI), eyes, blood pressure, and blood sugar, as well as administering vitamins or blood enhancers. The final activity is a joint health practice, namely washing hands together.
Apart from Youth Service activities, Youth Teaching and Youth Socialization activities. GRAHA is also equipped with Follow-up activities where Follow-up activities are carried out 3 times. Follow-up 1 was carried out on October 22, 2023, Follow-up was carried out on November 18, 2023, and Follow-up 3 was carried out on December 24, 2023. This follow-up activity was carried out by taking anamnesis from the foster family, and then a nutritional examination was carried out which consisted of checking weight, and height, and administering vitamins. Next, an inspection of the foster home environment will be carried out, such as checking toilets, clean water, food, and parenting patterns around the foster family’s house. The follow-up activity ended with providing necessities to the foster families.
Hopefully, the 2023 GRAHA (Growing Relationship for Advancing Humanitarian Aid) Socialization and Community Service activities at the Undiksha Faculty of Medicine can improve the soft skills of Undiksha Medical Faculty students and bring about better changes in the quality of public health in Tigawasa Village as this year’s target village. and expanding the interests of the younger generation of high school students at the Faculty of Medicine, Undiksha.(Red_FK)