Singaraja βOn July 17, 2022, the 2022 Undiksha Midwifery Department Webinar Event was held with the theme “Prevent Stunting to Create a Smart and Healthy Generation”. This webinar event was officially opened by Deputy Dean 3, namely Dr. Made Budiawan, S.Ked., M.Kes, AIFO.
This webinar was filled with extraordinary speakers presented by Dr. Indra Supradewi, MKM with a discussion of the Authority of Midwives in Stunting Prevention, as well as a discussion of the second material presented by Dyah Woro Kartiko Kusumo Wardani., S.Keb, Bd., M. Keb with a discussion of Midwives’ Strategies and the Role of Parents in Preventing and Recognizing Stunting in Children. This activity is one of a series of work programs from HMJ Midwifery. Apart from that, this Webinar aims to let participants know what the midwives’ authority is in preventing stunting and understand the strategies of midwives and the role of parents in preventing and recognizing stunting. This webinar was held on the Zoom and live streaming YouTube platform of HMJ Midwifery Undiksha which was attended by: Deputy Dean III, Coordinator of the Medical Study Program, Coordinator of Midwifery Study Program, HMJ Midwifery Supervisor, Chair of BEM FK, Chair of HMJ Medicine and Chair of Hermesta.
The enthusiasm of the lecturers, participants, and students can also be seen from the variety of questions asked about the problem of stunting in children today. In this activity, there were around 700 participants consisting of health workers, health students, and students as well as teaching staff throughout Indonesia. (TFK)