Singaraja –As an effort to improve the quality of learning for students in the Nursing Study Program, Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, today, Friday, October 27, 2023, 09.00 -12.00 WITA, in the Nursing Classroom, 2nd Floor, Integrated Health Laboratory Building, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, activities will once again be carried out visiting Lecturer. The Expert Lecture on this occasion took the topic “Nurse Career Development in the Entrepreneurship Field” by presenting resource person Ns. I Made Aditiasthana, S.Kep, he is a teaching staff at the Kubucepatan Health Vocational School and the founder of the Kaki Kita Sukasada Foundation (YKKS). Under the auspices of YKKS, he is involved in the business of providing prosthetic leg prostheses and managing the Ganesha Care Clinic with diabetic wound care services. Collaborating with PT Mulia Carva Indonesia in processing waste which is used as raw material for prosthetic limbs.
On this occasion, it was conveyed that the number of graduates was unequal, and the positions available in the field make it important for a person to know about entrepreneurship. Nurses not only think about how to find work but there is something more important, namely how to create jobs for themselves and others. To become an entrepreneurial nurse, 4 things are emphasized, 1) There must be ideals to strive for, 2) solve other people’s problems, 3) create a business system and 4) provide value to your business and set a vision.
This expert lecture activity was attended by third-semester nursing students and several lecturers who had the opportunity to attend. During the discussion session, students asked many questions from the resource person. The activity went smoothly, students seemed enthusiastic about listening to the material and following along with the session about the resource person’s entrepreneurial experience. It is hoped that this activity can open students’ horizons and train students’ creativity and innovation so that they can later be successful in the field of entrepreneurship.(Red_FK)