Kamis February 7, 2019, seemed very busy in the Undiksha Jinengdalem campus area, specifically at the Faculty of Medicine. The faculty led by Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad Djojosugito, dr., SpOT(K), MHA., MBA, the solidarity and kinship were visible in the initial activities facing APT Undiksha. This faculty, which was only founded last year, is very enthusiastic about facing APT Undiksha which is scheduled from 13-15 February 2019.
Commanded by Mrs. WD 2 Dr. Dr. Ni Luh Kadek Alit Arsani, S.Ked., M.Biomed and Mr. WD 3 Dr. Dr. Made Budiawan, S.Ked., M.Kes., AIFO mobilized the entire Faculty of Medicine community to work together. Cooperation, this is the first thing that the entire Faculty of Medicine community does before working together to complete the faculty data. Having a clean, beautiful, and comfortable campus atmosphere is also a point in Undiksha’s struggle to obtain an A accreditation score.
Not only staff and lecturers took part in this activity, but several students also took part in this cooperation activity. Cooperation started in the FK campus area first and continued the next day with the agenda of cleaning the front of the Undiksha Jinengdalem campus.