Singaraja – One of the series of Pemira FK Undiksha activities, namely the Debate for Candidates for Chair and Deputy Chair of Ormawa FK Undiksha. Debate activities were held on Saturday, January 6, 2024, and Sunday, January 7, 2024. These activities took place in a hybrid manner, namely offline in the FK Undiksha Building, and broadcast live via the Instagram channels of DPM FK Undiksha and Ners FK Undiksha.
Overall, the candidate pair debate was attended by both candidate pairs along with the success team, panelists, and other FK Undiksha academics.
There were several panelists who attended the major student association debate which was held on January 6, 2024, namely: HMJ Medicine debate panelists, namely the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Medicine Study Program, HMJ Medicine Ormawa Supervisor, and the Chair and Deputy Chair of HMJ Medicine. Meanwhile, the panelists for HMJ Midwifery are the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Midwifery Study Program, the Coordinator of the D3 Midwifery Study Program, the HMJ Midwifery Ormawa Supervisor, and the Chair of HMJ Midwifery. Not only that, the panelists from HMJ Nursing were the coordinators of the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program.
Unlike the HMJ debate, the BEM FK Undiksha debate was held on January 7, 2024. The panelists who played a role in this debate were the Deputy Deans 1, 2, and 3 of FK Undiksha, as well as the Chair and Deputy Chair of BEM FK Undiksha.
In this debate, questions from several panelists as well as general questions from the FK Undiksha academic community were also presented to the two candidates. This debate was divided into 5 segments, namely a presentation of the grand design from each candidate, a debate on motions, questions from each candidate for chairman, general questions, and a strengthening segment.
The debate took place in a very dynamic and interactive manner. Hopefully, through this activity, it is hoped that voters can see the perspective of each pair of candidates on existing issues. In this way, voters can be more confident in choosing the candidate pair for chairman and deputy chairman of Ormawa FK Undiskha and not abstain from voting on election day.(Red_FK)